New Moon in Hasta: Star of the Hand | Vedic Astrology

Tulsi Bagnoli
3 min readOct 5, 2021


Artwork by hheininge

Amāvásyā // The dark moon early Wednesday morning falls in Hasta Nakshatra (sidereal Virgo), the Star of the Hand. This lunar mansion is ruled by Savitṛ, the life giving aspect of the Sun, is symbolized by a hand, and it’s power or shakti lies in the ability to put one’s objects of desire into one’s hand. The receding energy is requesting us to realign with our intuition and higher thinking, and to hold the vision of that which we would like to manifest into fruition… get clear in who you are and where you want to go. The new moon brings an indication of the themes that will naturally grow within the lunation cycle and this month sparks increased personal expression and creative skills.

This new moon is extra potent as it marks the culmination of Pitru-Paksha (fortnight of our ancestors) and the day where the thinning of the veil between worlds reaches its zenith. A profound window of time has opened to connect, honor and feed our ancestors. The first night of the waxing moon also initiates the Vedic holiday of Navarātri, the nine nights of the divine feminine.

The tides are turning and things are beginning to shift. You’ve been meeting with some resistance in a certain area in your life and you may be second guessing your direction. The energy is beginning to open and turn in your favor. This doorway opens from an effortless alignment, deep surrender and listening to your truth, verse trying to grasp or control the outcome.

This will be an impactful month as it is accompanied by many astrological transitions. The heat and tension continues to build as the new moon will conjunct the Sun and combust Mars. Saturn (10/10), Mercury (10/18) and Jupiter (10/18) all station direct. Be mindful of the days surrounding a planet as it stations and especially October 17–19, as they represent a slowing down and vulnerable point of sorts.

The hand can be symbolized here by a fist that grasps, clings and is attached to controlling the outcome. From another perspective, the hand can be seen as outstretched and open… in flow and aligned with being of service. These more turbulent astrological cycles are essentially moving us towards the realization that we are not the situation that we find ourselves in, nor our profession, where we live, the things we have acquired, who we surround ourselves with, nor our bodies… these configurations offer us the awareness that we are the experiencer.

The highest yoga as taught in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna, is to act from a state of stabilized equilibrium, for the sake of action alone and not for it’s fruits. We can still have a clear desire that we must release. When we can get out of our own way we ultimately find that when we’re unattached to the outcome the fruits are that much sweeter and fulfilling.

What have you been learning the past few weeks and months? What would it take for you to loosen your grip, even just a little and surrender? Expect the unexpected while keeping the glass half full perspective. Lean into the changes that are presenting themselves while following your heart and sticking to your personal truth.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit to schedule a private consultation and read Tulsi’s full bi- monthly blog: Pulse of the Stars.

All my Relations

Rainer Maria Rilke // “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything.”



Tulsi Bagnoli
Tulsi Bagnoli

Written by Tulsi Bagnoli

I work to elevate and align you with your true nature through the ancient sister sciences of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), Āyurveda, and Yoga.

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