Full Moon in Anuradha — Star of Success | Eclipse Season |Vedic Astrology
The full moon is early Wednesday (5/26) morning in the constellation of Anuradha (sidereal Scorpio), the Star of Success. This total lunar eclipse initiates the beginning of a new chapter and welcomes opportunities for personal growth and transformation. You may find yourself at a turning point in your life, on the verge of a major decision, in the grips of exhaustion or dancing with uncertainty — rest assured this potent eclipse brings with it a promise to shift you into the next phase.
Saturn stationed retrograde in Capricorn on May 23 and will be making it’s backward dance until October 11th. The planet of karma is inviting us to slow down, stabilize and reflect on our core values. We’re being given the opportunity to step back and track where we’re at and where we’d like to be. This cycle encourages us to set clear boundaries and make decisions around what we want to commit to long term.
Anuradha nakshatra awakens the power of healing in relationships and sparks the ability to cultivate devotion to something greater than oneself — to a higher love. This constellation has the power to turn the unconscious into consciousness. Just like the majestic lotus flower that emerges from the mud, guided by the light of the Sun, you too will reach your goal in time. Be courageous and daring to go deeper than you’ve been willing to go — face the things that are unconscious now and bring them into the light of awareness. As this constellation teaches us — it only takes a spark to ignite the thirst to go deeper.
Lunar eclipses are trigger points which invoke unexpected and immediate transformation and welcomes with it heightened emotions. Don’t bypass this opportunity for growth because its too uncomfortable. Observe the story as it continues to unfold. Diving into your spiritual practices brings speedy growth and a breath of fresh air from the shifting winds of change. Be consistent, ground down and rest in the spacious awareness of your being. Expect the unexpected and surrender to major life changes that are unfolding. Traditionally it is encouraged to postpone new beginnings of all kinds for approximately a week on either end of the eclipse portal (there will be a Solar Eclipse on June 9th).
For my bi-monthly blog posts and more personalized guidance on how to navigate the current celestial waters, please visit: https://www.tulsibagnoli.com/jyotish-astrology ~ All my relations
Rilke // “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”