Artwork by Hans Walor

The Full Moon (Purnima) on Saturday (2/27) morning will be in the constellation of Purva Phalguni (sidereal Leo), the star of fertility. The momentum is beginning to build and clarity is dawning. The new moon on the eleventh initiated a time of surrendering your efforts to a higher power and that of deep listening. We’ve been invited to practice leaning into being an instrument of the divine and trusting in the presence of the Unknown.

The tension of six planets conjunct in (sidereal) Capricorn, especially around responsibility, has began to disperse. The aggravation of Mar’s stay in Aries, and Mercury’s Retrograde have meet with their completion and the energies are beginning to lighten over the next weeks to come. If you feel the need to rush into things as the the current restrictions begin to soften, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time.The aggravation of Mar’s stay in Aries, and Mercury’s Retrograde have meet with their completion and the energies are beginning to lighten over the next weeks to come. If you feel the need to rush into things as the the current restrictions begin to soften, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time.

The things you have been desiring and perhaps second guessing are available to you now. You may have apprehension around the steps it will take to get there, yet the opportunity awaits and the fruit is ripe for the taking. You’ve put in your research and thought about it over and over. Your task is to stop overthinking and take action steps in the direction of that which you desire.

Purva Phalguni nakshatra (constellation) relates to creativity, devotion, rest and rejuvenation, fertility, union of opposites, and procreation; is ruled by Venus, the deity Bhaga, who is known for bestowing pleasure and delight, and is symbolized by a swinging hammock, a fire place, good luck, prosperity and reaping the fruits of your good karmas. This constellation reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that ultimately the practice of yoga teaches us how to stay at ease no matter what comes.

What would it take to cultivate the practice of staying relaxed when being confronted with the Unknown?

The veil is lifting and we’re beginning to see the issues that have stood in our way. Now we know what needs to be done to navigate the changes that are necessary to bring about the openness and evolution that we seek in our lives. A little struggle brings with it a promise of a breakthrough to come. Stay grounded and begin to move in the direction that lights you up.

Where in your life do you feel most alive? This full moon invites you to lean into the comforts of life, to express yourself creatively and to enjoy more time in play. Love All Ways // All my Relations

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly — or at least willing — towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -Toko-pa-Turner

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how to navigate these challenging times, please visit to book a consultation.



Tulsi Bagnoli
Tulsi Bagnoli

Written by Tulsi Bagnoli

I work to elevate and align you with your true nature through the ancient sister sciences of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), Āyurveda, and Yoga.

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